SWASTIKA: A New Beginning

It is said, ‘as the days will pass, nights will fall’. The one thing which you can’t stop is the thought of the human mind. Whether it is a challenge given to the word impossible which our mind may perceive as ‘I’m-possible’ it’s just a matter of a new start or a new beginning. It is a continuous process and will enter and leave with each and every second of your life as per the situations of your life.
As a sapling requires water drops for turning into a tree, in the same way whatever a human suffers or does in his life also requires a support system or help for the betterment of the reason of existence in their life.
The term “SWASTIKA”, named before very good purpose in the Hindu Mythology, is considered to be an auspicious symbol which will is utilized for the initiation of new karma in an individual’s life. As per the specification of the name, it is not only representing mandatorily that the new term, concept, ideas or things are not only liable of keeping this title but also will be capable of getting the privilege to be a new born, new beginning, regeneration or the recreation of the existed one thoughts or in some cases the person’s life itself.
[In this, the swastika is the helper or the supporter which is considered to be the backbone of the survival of a person’s existence]
The new era or the new chapter of her life with all the possible confusions and problems that existed in her life with a lot of distractions and disturbance due to a lot of failures faced within a short span of time, almost in the depression stage who somewhere managed to survive and decided to start a new life with a thought of getting some new reason for the life by creating it with the astonishing experiences she was supposed to get.
She started to live it with full of joy and happiness whereas at the same time, was unwilling to see the sorrow of others. But, the person with the borne personality will not be changed completely, you can restructure it but can’t change it in one or other situation in a life where you desperately require a morale booster and a supporter in your life. The entry of the special person in your life who will be your friends, with the time span converted to be your best friend, who is influencer, motivator, guide, mentor or sometimes who have to play a role of parent to teach you the good and the bad.
Well… the entry of this person whom we can consider as Swastika is the key to the lock of her life to spread the happiness and joy in her life. Sometimes, just the feel of having someone is more overwhelming in your life and then you want your life to be more worthy of it.
This new beginning of her life not only gives her the happiness but also the confidence to be challenged in any point of her life with all the positive attitude, which is appreciated by everyone around her. The purity of the soul of swastika and the emerging positive vibes due to her presence, is the reason for creation of new life.
As swastika will be her hand now it’s the time for her to become the hand of Swastika. Because as you know, time changes, situations change, purpose changes, the person you are now may be a completely different person in the future. And sometimes the person with the positive attitude and optimistic approach will face such situations where you need the one shoulder to take a deep breath and feel relaxed with. As it is a well said quote, “Time will change everything”. What you do to others will come back to you and it is the cycle of karma which will make sure to complete it in the same time because life is like a cart which you have to balance with the both the wheels and in our life these wheels are nothing but the good and the evil. And, you will get it in the same life. Whatever happens is for a good reason, if it is bad then you are going to get good from it. What you need is patience and a strong belief in yourself.
